War of the Rosés continues

Ah, natural wine! The rebellious teenager of the wine world, always causing a stir with its funky flavors and unpredictable behavior. It’s like the wild child who refuses to conform to society’s expectations. You never know what you’re going to get when you pop open a bottle of natural wine. It’s like playing Russian roulette, but with grapes instead of bullets. Will it taste like a bouquet of roses or more like a compost heap? Who knows! One thing’s for sure, you’re in for an adventure when you dive into the world of natural wine.

And let’s not forget about its unpredictable appearance. Natural wine can be cloudy, hazy, and downright murky. It’s like the rebel that doesn’t care about appearances and proudly flaunts its flaws. Forget about those pristine, crystal-clear wines that you can see your reflection in. Natural wine says, “Who needs clarity when you can have character?” It’s like drinking a Jackson Pollock painting, with every sip splattering a different flavor across your palate. So, if you’re looking for a wine that will keep you on your toes and defy all expectations, natural wine is your quirky, eccentric friend who always keeps things interesting.

And fear not, fellow wine enthusiasts, Cadus Vinum will do its very best to steer you clear of the off-putting wines that might leave you questioning your life choices.  Consider us your trusty wine compass, leading you through the wilderness of natural wine and ensuring you arrive at the promised land of deliciousness. No sour grapefruit rinds or barnyard flavors shall pass my discerning palate!

Together, we shall embark on a journey filled with laughter, joy, and delightful sips. We shall raise our glasses to wines that captivate our taste buds with their harmonious flavors and pristine clarity. So, fear not, my friends, for in my quest for the perfect wine, I shall navigate the treacherous waters of natural wine and present you with the gems that will make your taste buds dance with glee. Cheers to a wine adventure filled with laughter, memorable moments, and wines that will leave you saying, “Yes, this is why I love wine!”

In Vino Veritas (In wine there is truth)

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