My Epic Quest

Ladies and gentlemen, gather around and let me regale you with the tale of my epic quest to discover the most magnificent summer white wine for 2023. Armed with an insatiable thirst and a questionable sense of adventure, I set forth on a perilous journey through tasting rooms, determined to find the elixir that would quench my summertime desires.

My encounter with Janare del Sannio Falanghina was like stumbling upon a unicorn frolicking in a field of daisies. The sommelier poured a delicate, golden nectar into my glass, and as I took my first sip, a symphony of flavors erupted in my mouth. It tasted like sunshine in a bottle, with notes of stone fruit and citrus and a subtle hint of mischief. I promptly declared it the official drink of backyard barbecues, beach bonfires, and impromptu water balloon fights.

Falanghina is an ancient Italian white-wine grape, reportedly of Greek origin. It is been reported that Falanghina is the grape variety behind Falernian, the most famous wine of Roman antiquity and the inspiration for Falerno del Massico. Most Falanghina is grown in Campania, in southern Italy.

So, subscribers, if you seek a wine that can tickle your taste buds and transport you to far-off lands of mirth and delight, venture forth with a glass of this Falanghina in hand and a twinkle in your eye. Let this summer white wine be your guide through an unforgettable journey of laughter, indulgence, and unbridled joy. Cheers to discovering the perfect summer sip that makes us forget all our worries and embrace the sunny side of life! $13.

Imported by: Monsieur Touton

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